If only there were an app that would start us on the path of Success in Life and in Business…

That thought has occupied my mind for a long time, starting 31 years ago. For much of the past year, I’ve been working on just such a thing, and it’s now available for Apple and Android users.

I call it ToBeWise, because, well, it’s the best name I came up with, after considering a lot of others. The name describes the Result you will achieve by using the app: wisdom.


the ability to think and act

Imagine if you had that ability… pretty cool, right? The big challenge with having wisdom is that it takes a lot to Time to develop it, a lot of knowledge and experience just doesn’t happen overnight, and most people just never develop enough of it to truly succeed in Life and Business.

You’d have to read tons of books, and have lots of years of major and varied life and business experiences, and then pull them all together to build your understanding to the level that it all became common sense to you, and from then on you could think and act in ways that would appear to others to be simply effortless insight… as if everything you did were easy and right on point.
If only there were a way to take a short cut through all the reading and study and get the basics internalized without effort. If only there were a way to channel the most successful and intelligent people who ever lived…  if only there were an app for that!  Well, there is!
Start at ToBeWise.co and follow the simple system of 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes at night. Easy. Simple. Highly effective. Free.