App Description

ToBeWise™ – The Right Words at the Right Time™ To inspire, motivate, and educate…  designed for people who are driven to succeed in Life and in Business. Learn on demand from 900+ of the greatest minds in history, as they share their wisdom on...

ToBeWise: there’s an app for that. Free!

If only there were an app that would start us on the path of Success in Life and in Business… That thought has occupied my mind for a long time, starting 31 years ago. For much of the past year, I’ve been working on just such a thing, and it’s now...

Version (1.1) now in the AppStore

This journey started on January 3, 2016 with the first discussion of what could be done to help others who may need to hear “the right words at the right time.” Here we are, 10+ months later, and the idea has become real. Version 1.1 is the gift we...